People love their pets so much, some beyond anything. Being aware of this fact I find it hard to understand we can allow them to live their lives on food that barely sustains them and, to be honest, is probably making them sick, perhaps even killing them. 

Reading the ingredient lists of the major manufacturers, including those recommended and ‘prescribed’ by vets could give you lasting nightmares. 
‘Chicken Meal’, meat ‘by-products’ and raw materials too gross to even think about are being cooked (to 500 degrees) and processed into oblivion of any nutrients that might have been present to begin with. Add to that gums, fillers, flavorings and synthetic vitamins and your ghastly concoction is ready to sit on a shelf for several years, turning a tidy profit for the manufacturers and perhaps down the road, for vets, hospitals, pharma and insurance companies as well. Kidney failure, cancers and other diseases among our fur babies have skyrocketed in recent years.

It’s an abysmal state of affairs that has caused a large number of pet lovers to turn to raw food, either making it themselves from recipes online or buying it in frozen form at pet supply stores.

There are still a small number of companies that produce high quality canned food for those people who are unable to deal with raw and its complications. Ziwi has been a favorite among those, but there are others, it just takes some research to find. 

Nutrition is a big part of our fur babies’ health but by no means all of it. When we rescue or adopt our pets from shelters etc we don’t know what they have been through and some may show up with behavioral issues, like aggression or doing their business in unwelcome places, to name just two.

This is where energy work can be a real blessing. We can access the subconscious and find trauma that has been lodged in various levels and from a number of different origins. Once we have identified it we set our intention to clear it together with the pet’s family taking an active part. Many difficult issues have been resolved through that process making way for a happier more harmonious family life with more enjoyment for everyone. 
For more information and to set up an appointment please visit the Shop or Energy Work page.

If you just want to have fun reading about their antics you can find my book here 

BOOK: Covered in Cats